The Salty Gaijin
The Salty Gaijin Podcast shares the lifestyle of a Christian missionary who seeks to meaningfully engage with Japanese culture and the greater global cultural moment. The host, Brittany, discusses various topics (from anime to Japanese culture to the American church) as mini "culture studies" through a Christian perspective.
15 episodes
2024 Reflections: The Year of God's Provision
Happy 2025, everybody! In this special New Year’s episode, Brittany gives a little life update while reflecting on the past year. 2024 was a year of change, full of challenges and blessings. But more than that, it was a year of God’...
Episode 14
Overwork is Overrated: Work Culture in Japan, the U.S., and Ministry
In this episode, Brittany addresses the issue of overwork in Japan, the U.S., and ministry. While some of the statistics may seem a bit distressing on the surface, there’s also hope for work. As always, Brittany looks at how the Bible talks abo...
Episode 13
"Demon Slayer," Season 3: Femininity, Disability, Trauma, and Jesus-Archetype 2.0
We're back with my friend Rei to discuss Demon Slayer (again)! The most recent season was jam-packed, full of new characters and new troubles. But we were most surprised by the discussions that season 3 stirred up. Rei and Brit...
Episode 12
Crazy Summer and The Importance of Sabbath Rest
In this episode, Brittany shares a little bit about what’s going on in her life this summer. Her church has been hosting two college interns, and extreme heat has overtaken the Kansai area. Plus, after 3.5 years, Brittany finally caught COVID-1...
Episode 11
AI Generators and the Relationship Between Creation and Creator
In this episode, Brittany discusses the recent boom in AI generators. She shares her perspective on the pros and cons of AI generators from the perspective of a writer and content creator, walks through some of the legal and ethical questions s...
Episode 10
Is Putin a Christian?? : The Russian Orthodox Church and a Christian response to the war in Ukraine
In this episode, Brittany tackles a rather serious topic this time around: Putin and the war between Russia and Ukraine. Putin’s actions are a mystery to many of her English students, prompting them to ask, “Is Putin really a Christian?” Putin ...
Episode 9
Special Episode: Sado and Shalom
In this special bonus episode, Brittany shares one of the many messages she has given as a missionary. In July, Brittany had the privilege of speaking at a tea ceremony event (sado or chado in Japanese) held by her church in J...
The Gifts (and Challenges) of Bilingualism
In this episode, Brittany takes on the topic of bilingualism, addressing some of the benefits and difficulties of being bilingual. What’s the difference between translation and interpretation? How could God use bilingualism for His kingdom purp...
Episode 8
Mochitsuki, Food and the Gospel
In this episode, Brittany shares her experience pounding out mochi (glutinous rice), and discusses the influence of food in bringing people together. She also delves into the role of food in the Bible and its deep connection to the Gospel of Je...
Episode 7
Women are AWESOME: Celebrating Women's History Month and International Women's Day
March is Women's History Month, and with International Women's Day having just passed, it's the perfect time to celebrate WOMEN and their contributions to the world.Brittany investigates the history of Women's History Month and Internat...
Episode 6
Let's Talk Anime: "Demon Slayer" and Special Guest!
We're getting a little nerdy today. Let's talk anime.The ever-popular anime, Kimetsu no Yaiba (Demon Slayer, in English) just finished season two a few weeks ago. As an avid anime fan, Brittany is joined by her friend,...
Episode 5
Wordle and the Importance of Community
It seems like everyone is playing Wordle these days. Why is it so popular? Brittany takes a look at how Wordle provided a sense of community for thousands around the world--something that many have been lacking since the pandemic started. Britt...
Episode 4
Communication Styles in Japan, the U.S., and God's Kingdom
Brittany discusses some key differences between Japanese and Western communication styles, pulling from linguistic knowledge and her own cross-cultural church experience in Japan she addresses the questions: Which style is better? Is there real...
Episode 3
Lake Biwa, Outdoor Bouldering, and Noticing the Things God Has Made
Brittany shares a little bit about her day trip to Lake Biwa in Shiga prefecture, bouldering on Mt. Kitayama, and how nature actually glorifies God, pointing towards a greater understanding and appreciation of God's power and creativity. <...
Episode 2